
Enrich your data with insights that help you to make a decision of where and what.


Understand the city at a glance and decide where to focus.

Get answers to the questions like:
“Where are the areas that are good for X?”

Discover where the popular areas for a certain activity are.


If you already know which location you want to focus on, we will decorate your coordinates with our popularity scores.

Get answers to the questions like:
“Is this particular place good for X?”

Analyse the location of an existing outlet or a location you are already considering.


  • Worldwide

    With our data you can choose to discover and analyse any location in the entire world.

  • Accurate

    The most complete and accurate GeoPopularity data allows business to make more accurate and quick decisions.

  • Flexible

    Every use case is different. You can choose to get and pay only what you need.

  • Detailed

    We analyse popularity of locations for many various activities, which include: Eating, Vegetarian Eating, Shopping, Luxury Shopping, Nightlife, Sightseeing, Historic Sightseeing and Parks & Waterfront.

  • Yours

    We work with different formats. Tell us how you like to view the data and we can prepare exports to be used with QlikView, Tableu or your own software.
