The Location Page: a one page TopPlace™ summary
TopPlace™ Location Page for Travel
TopPlace™ Location Page for Travel
The Location Page combines the various products TopPlace™ Suite offers into a single, easy to integrate module, including the basemaps (NEW!).
TopPlace™ Suite is a leading Location Knowledge product set tailored for the online travel industry. It provides essential location context by highlighting the most attractive areas and venues, worldwide.
The TopPlace™ Location Page offers the most relevant information regarding any single location and its surroundings in an easy to understand, unified format.
The Location Page is mainly designed for OTA and Metasearch sites looking to provide their users with a richer, better quality service. It is specifically designed to be part the page detailing a single accommodation property. The Location Page allows to easily replace the default generic map with more meaningful and relevant location content.
Any address, hotel or vacation rental, can be provided with easy to understand location highlights. This allows travellers to quickly understand and decide what is the best location for their stay, without the need to leave the booking site to look for location information elsewhere.
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