TopPlace™ Location Page for Housing on Demand

Type an address below to see its location context

Because location matters

The majority of users decide on a property based on its location

Location defines the desirability and rental price of a real estate property. That is why we created this product, to provide answers to frequently asked questions about location.

During their search potential clients always ask the same questions:

– What type of area is the property located at?

– Is there nearby public transport options?

– How far it is from shops, schools, parks, parking areas?

– Are there enough grocery stores nearby?

– How far it is from the airport?

For users, only showing a pin on a map is not sufficient to answer all the questions. Potential clients can’t always travel, nor have time to do research on every property they see online. And many of them look to other sources for information, often giving up, or ending up on a competitor’s site.

To generate more quality leads and stay up to modern user’s expectations, a Housing on Demand website has to offer all the necessary insights to help its visitors make faster decisions.

The TopPlace™ Location Page for Housing on Demand answers key location context questions during the 1st steps of the search process, increasing quality leads and reducing unnecessary doubts and queries.


TopPlace for Housing on Demand

There’s several optional settings too. For example, for those properties that, for privacy reasons, prefer to not disclose the exact location, but want to provide essential location insights. Instead of a pin on the map, a circle area can de displayed, just by changing a single setting:

TopPlace for Real Estate

This provides a circle of 75m (configurable) at a random position to within 15m (configurable) of the actual position. This way the exact location of a property won’t be identified by pointing at the center of the circle.


  • Generate more Quality Leads
  • Convert visitors to clients faster
  • Users love it! Help them in their decisions and make them want to use your service, again and again
  • Enhance your user experience with the right location context – help users make informed decisions, faster
  • Save months of work & development costs with a ready built, tested product
  • Save efforts & costs on data maintenance and updates
  • Affordable & clear pricing

Easy Integration

It takes less than 30 minutes for 1 developer to integrate the TopPlace™ Location Page for Housing on Demand. You can have the widget live after just three 3 quick steps:

  • 1st step: Sign Up to the platform and choose the TopPlace Products subscription (it’s free).
  • 2nd step: Create a project and choose the “Location Page for Housing on Demand” script.
  • 3rd step: Copy-paste the short code snippet that is shown in the setup instructions. Example:
<div id="vxapp" data-location="41.4069, 2.1363" data-avuxi-key="YOUR_SCRIPT_TOKEN"> </div> 
<script src=""></script>

See detailed integration instructions here.

Use It For Free

FREE until you reach a threshold of 1000 widget loads per month.

For websites with higher traffic our pricing is still very affordable, especially when compared to well known map and location data providers.

Note that we don’t charge separate fees for Map loads, POIs requests, Route queries, Heat Map loads etc. It’s all included in the product. So, no “surprises” in your bill.

Getting Started

SIGN UP NOW for immediate access or CONTACT US and we will respond within a few hours with your integration code.
