GeoVoluntarios (GeoVolunteers) is a citizen initiative promoted by Esri Spain. It brings together people who want to help organizations that are fighting the crisis caused by the virus Covid-19, through digital volunteering. The initiative connects digital volunteers with organizations that need help and technical support to overcome the crisis.
People from all over the world with a wide range of skills are offering their help without any commercial, political, religious or ideological agenda. The initiative manages virtual teams of volunteers who are helping any organization that needs help with data solutions to manage the crisis.

AVUXI’s participation
AVUXI’s co-founder and CTO, Roberto, joined GeoVoluntarios right from the beginning to help with the project coordination and development efforts.
Joining the initiative was a question of principle. Spain is currently one of the most affected countries by the Covid-19. Given the existing relationship between AVUXI’s and Esri’s teams, it was also a very quick decision.
Completed projects
In just a few weeks a lot of progress was made. Last week alone has completed several projects:
· City council of Osuna
· ERICAN Rescue at Sanlucár La Mayor
· City council of Fuenterrobles
· Map of COVID Perú
· Map of COVID República Dominicana
Current work ongoing on proyects for civil protection in Elche, Cheste and city council of Figueres. These projects add up to those completed a week earlier, for Fundación IO, Cruz Roja (Red Cross) and civil protection in Tomelloso.

Visit this page to see a showcase of more projects in detail. New tools and projects are being released weekly to help the people who are working hard to help others.
Growing community
In just weeks GeoVoluntarios has already grown to over 800 voluntary contributors across the world. Visit the GeoVoluntarios site and join if you are an organization in need of support, or if you are a professional and would like to contribute.